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Troy Jollimore's Top Ten List

Author Photo And Bio
Photo of Troy Jollimore

Troy Jollimore (born 1971) is a Canadian poet and philosopher. His debut book of poems, Tom Thomson in Purgatory (2006), won the National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry and was a finalist for the Poet’s Prize. It reflected his blend of lyricism, weighty themes and light humor that characterized his subsequent collections incluidng The Solipsist (2008), At Lake Scugog (2011), Syllabus of Errors (2015, and Earthly Delights (2021). His poems have appeared in publications including The New Yorker, The Believer, McSweeney's and Poetry. His philosophical works include Friendship and Agent-Relative Morality (2001), Love's Vision (2011) and On Loyalty (2012). To learn more, visit Troy's official website.

1. Strangers in Paradise: Stories by Lee K. Abbott (1986).
2. The Infinities by John Banville (2010).
3. No Country for Old Men (screenplay) by Joel and Ethan Coen (2007).
4. Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin (1983).
5. Island: The Collected Stories by Alistair MacLoed (2000).
6. The Love of a Good Woman: Stories by Alice Munro (1998).
7. Running in the Family by Michael Ondaatje (1982).
8. Mason & Dixon by Thomas Pynchon (1997).
9. Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson (1980).
10. The Fever by Wallace Shawn (1990).